Luna Therapy focuses on mental health, and psychosocial health and wellbeing. Our mental health service supports adolescents and adults with empowered healing and sustainable functional recovery through integrative approaches.

Our service was created with the intention to empower people with the knowledge and skills to increase their capacity for aligned emotional, physical and energetic health and wellbeing.

Wellbeing is different for every person, and we support people to align with their unique holistic wellbeing in a way that enables them to do the things they want and need to do, be the way the want and need to be, and live the life the want and need to live, as they navigate the vast challenges of the human experience.

All services are client-centered and recovery-focused working in collaboration with the individual, family and community towards identified goals, hopes and desires. We believe in creating a positive culture of healing, and doing our best to support and empower those we work with to actively participate on a path towards living meaningful and fulfilling lives.

We believe that harmony and wholeness are yours.